Friday, July 20, 2007

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Chocolate Chip Pancakes for breakfast today.

I used to make loserly pancakes. Now I make pretty and tasty ones.

The two things I learned are:

1.) don't try to make them healthy

2.) use the following recipe:

Perfect Pancakes

I tried to re-find where I found it online and I can not. So if anyone knows here this is from, let me know. I am not trying to steal someone's recipe, I'd love to give credit where credit is due.

It's the perfect recipe, and one that has treated me well for decades so I can't even be bothered to try to change it. I will give you a few secrets I've learned over the years to make these work better.

➢ You really will need two different bowls. One big one for the dry ingredients, and a smaller one for the wet ingredients. Once the wet ingredients are mixed together, you'll pour them into the dry. It's like pancake alchemy, and it's worth having to wash one more bowl.
➢ Whisk the sugar into the wet ingredients. This adds some air bubbles into the mix and makes them lighter and fluffier.
➢ Don't use a fork to stir the dry ingredients. It seems to make the baking powder and salt sink to the bottom. Use a wooden spoon.
➢ Once the wet and dry are mixed together, you've got about a half hour to get all the pancakes cooked. As the mix sits, the gases created by the baking powder will start to evaporate. The longer the batter sits, the denser and flatter the pancakes.
➢ Cook the pancakes in butter. It makes them brown better (the first batch in the skillet just won't be as brown as the next batches). To keep from over-greasing the skillet, wipe the wrapping from a stick of butter across the hot skillet.

Original recipe
1 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons of baking powder

1/2 teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons of granulated sugar

1 egg

1 cup of milk
 (I sometimes use rice milk)
1 tablespoon of cooking oil

Slug Family Proportions (x3)
3 ¾ cups of all-purpose flour
2 Tablespoons of baking powder
1 ½ teaspoons of salt
6 Tablespoons of granulated sugar
3 eggs
3 cups milk (rice milk)
3 Tablespoons of cooking oil
**optional ~ 1 scant cup mini chocolate chips (as seen here)

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